Monday, December 1, 2014
LEDs: Lighting The Way To Major Energy Savings
LEDs: Lighting The Way To Major Energy Savings
Eric Savitz Eric Savitz , Forbes Staff
Guest post written by Chuck Swoboda
Chuck Swoboda is CEO of Cree, which makes LEDs and LED lighting products.
Chuck Swoboda
President Obama set what he considers an ambitious goal for reduced energy consumption during his State of the Union address Tuesday night: “Let’s cut in half the energy wasted by our homes and businesses over the next twenty years.”
Why wait so long?
The technology and economics to achieve much of this goal exist today. One of the most antiquated devices wasting power in your home right now is the light with which you’re reading this article. Your incandescent bulb is based on technology that is more than 130 years old, a light source that converts most of the bulb’s energy to heat rather than light.
American companies that build lighting based on modern technology – LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) – can enable consumers to save money and slash their electricity usage for lighting by as much as 80 percent. Today. That change can achieve much of the President’s goal since lighting accounts for nearly one-fifth (19 percent) of electricity spending in the average household, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.
As consumers, we already rely upon LED lights in our cell phones and HDTVs. The barrier to the widespread use of efficient LEDs for lighting has been the high upfront cost of LED fixtures and bulbs. But now advancements in technology are dramatically lowering prices, so much so that a sub $10 LED bulb, which delivers brilliant, high quality light for more than a decade could soon be a reality.
LED lighting is already cost effective – extremely so – for businesses and municipalities.
The City of Los Angeles is saving $5.3 million annually thanks to the Green LA initiative that has thus far replaced 114,000 high-pressure sodium street lights with LED lighting, the nation’s largest such project. Once completed, Los Angeles anticipates LED lighting will save taxpayers $10-million-a-year, nearly two-thirds of what the city had been paying for lighting its streets.
Sheetz, the convenience store and gas station chain, ranked 61st on Forbes Magazine’s List of America’s Largest Private Companies, has installed LED interior and exterior lighting at more than 130 of its locations across six states. The energy savings: 45 percent on interior lighting, and as much as 55 percent on exterior lighting that illuminates Sheetz’s gas pumps. As expenses drop, LED lighting is helping boost top-line growth, according to Sheetz, which reports customers find the brighter facilities more visually appealing and perceive them as safer.
Such examples explain why LEDs accounted for 8 percent of the U.S. lighting market in 2012, according to McKinsey & Co., primarily in street lighting, retail and office environments.
Now it’s the consumer’s turn.
Fundamental advances in LED semiconductor technology, optics, and lighting system design now enable LED lights to break century old cost and performance barriers that have prevented consumers from realizing the savings businesses and municipalities already enjoy. While a typical incandescent bulb uses 60 watts of power to generate light, the current state of LED technology can produce the same light for less than 10 watts. A better, more efficient product means less expensive light. To a consumer, this means saving money – significant amounts of money.
As the cost factor shrinks, adoption of LED lighting climbs. The industry’s current rate of cost reduction could result in a doubling of LED lighting adoption over the next year. The shorter the payback on the upfront expenditure, the more likely consumers will choose LED lighting. We’ve already seen this trend in commercial lighting markets. As we approach price parity with traditional lighting, any remaining barriers for commercial and consumer adoption should continue to diminish, and we believe the rate of adoption will accelerate.
Not only does this trend result in better lighting that saves Americans money and time (imagine not changing a bulb for more than a decade), but it will also eliminate a tremendous amount of physical waste. According to IMS Research, collectively, 5.6 billion bulbs light American households and businesses, including 4.2 billion incandescent bulbs and about 1 billion compact fluorescent (CFL) bulbs that contain toxic mercury. More than 1 billion new bulbs are purchased every year.
The President’s own U.S. Department of Energy predicts the switch to LED lighting over the next two decades could save $250 billion in energy costs. There’s no need to wait.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Lumens are the New Watts
Using lumens as the measure of a light bulb’s brightness will simplify shopping for light bulbs…
By EARTHEASY.COM Posted AUG 17, 2011
Back in the old days, when there was only one basic type of light bulb consumers could buy, (the incandescent bulb descended from Edison’s original) we could rely on the term “watts” to help us choose the right bulb for our lamps and outdoor lights. Although “watts” refers to how much energy a bulb will use when lit, we understood the relative brightness levels between 60-watt, 100-watt or 150-watt light bulbs.
Then along came the energy-saving CFL bulbs A 15-watt CFL bulb, according to the package, produced the equivalent light of a 60-watt incandescent. A 25-watt CFL was comparable to a 100-watt incandescent in light output. And so forth. Shoppers were expected to understand the wattage conversions of these strange looking new CFL light bulbs.
LED bulbs, more efficient than CFLs, use even less wattage to achieve desired brightness levels
As we gradually got used to the idea of the CFL bulbs and began to understand how to choose the right CFL for our lighting needs, the new LED bulbs came into the mix. Originally used for small task lights such as flashlights and instrument lights, LED technology has evolved rapidly with new LED bulbs available for most applications in the home. LED bulbs, more efficient than CFLs, use even less wattage to achieve desired brightness levels. A 6-watt LED is equivalent to a 15-watt CFL which is equivalent to a 60-watt incandescent bulb.
It’s getting confusing isn’t it?
And besides three different wattage equivalents for the three basic types of light bulbs on store shelves, there are new halogen incandescent bulbs, new LED tube lights, and terms like Coloring Rendering Index (CRI) and Correlated Color Temperature (CCT) which further describe characteristics of light quality from a bulb.
the FTC has mandated packaging changes for all light bulbs, effective in 2012, which simplify and standardize the differences in light bulb output
To help shoppers make sense of the many choices in lighting today, the FTC has mandated packaging changes for all light bulbs, effective in 2012, which simplify and standardize the differences in light bulb output. Wattage is no longer a reliable way to gauge a light bulb’s brightness. Lumens, the measure of a bulb’s actual brightness, is the new standard for comparing light bulbs of all types.
Lumens, the measure of a bulb’s actual brightness, is the new standard for comparing light bulbs of all types
Lumens measure brightness. A standard 60-watt incandescent bulb, for example, produces about 800 lumens of light. By comparison, a CFL bulb produces that same 800 lumens using less than 15 watts. But you don’t need to understand yet another conversion. It’s simple. The more lumens, the brighter the bulb.
You can use lumens to compare the brightness of any bulb, regardless of the technology behind it, and regardless of whether it’s a halogen incandescent, CFL or LED. Using lumens helps you compare “apples to apples” when you shop for light bulbs. Once you know how bright a bulb you want, you can compare other factors, like the yearly energy cost.
Monday, November 10, 2014
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
There is still time to cash in on incentives from Focus on Energy. Please consider us for all your lighting needs.
Monday, October 27, 2014
Rural Energy for America Program - Renewable Energy System and Energy Efficiency Improvement Guaranteed Loan and Grant Program
The Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) provides financial assistance to agricultural producers and rural small businesses in rural America to purchase, install, and construct renewable energy systems; make energy efficiency improvements to non-residential buildings and facilities; use renewable technologies that reduce energy consumption; and participate in energy audits, renewable energy development assistance, and feasibility studies.
Monday, October 20, 2014
What will lighting systems look like in 2020?
According to Greg Merritt, Vice President, Marketing, Lighting at Cree, Inc., "Every lighting solution will be LED, and every lighting solution will offer some type of automated intelligence. More contractors and even distributors will develop their own design and specifying capabilities."
Electrical Contractor Magazine 10/14
Electrical Contractor Magazine 10/14
Monday, October 13, 2014
IEA Report Predicts Solar Power Domination by 2050
Two reports released simultaneously last week by the International Energy Agency (IEA) say that by the year 2050, solar power could eclipse fossil fuels, hydro, wind and nuclear as the world’s most widely used source of electricity generation.
Utah, USA -- According to the IEA, solar PV could conceivably be used to generate as much as 16 percent of the world’s electricity needs by mid-century, with solar thermal electricity generated by concentrating solar plants (CSP) accounting for another 11 percent.
The reports state that when combined, PV and CSP could cut annual carbon dioxide emissions by more than 6 billion tonnes – effectively equaling the current output of worldwide transportation emissions and exceeding all CO2 emissions produced in the U.S. today.
According to Technology Roadmap: Solar Photovoltaic Energy, a decrease in the emission of 4 billion tonnes of CO2 per year could occur with worldwide installation of 4,600 GW of PV capacity by 2050. In order for this to occur, total PV capacity will have to reach an average of 124 GW per year, rising to 200 GW per year between 2025 and 2040.
Scott Sklar, chair of the Steering Committee of the Sustainable Energy Coalition and president of The Stella Group, says these targets in PV capacity are entirely within the realm of possibility. “I do think PV can hit these growth levels,” Sklar said, adding that a combination of “reduced loads and storage” – in addition to the use of other renewable energy sources like biomass – will have to be factored into the overall equation to achieve round-the-clock power generation.
By the beginning of 2014, total worldwide PV capacity had surpassed 150 GW and the IEA reports an estimated 100 GW of capacity being installed on a daily basis throughout 2014. “Massive cost reductions” were cited for the exponential growth, which saw more PV capacity installed in the last four years than in the last 40 years combined. The IEA believes the cost of PV will continue to drop, eventually hitting a cost decrease of 65 percent by 2050.
Sklar is also confident PV cost will plunge, if not quite by the margins predicted by the IEA. “Just by the aggregation of purchasing of materials, and scale-up of both module manufacturing and delivery chain, we can reduce costs at least by 50 percent by 2050,” Sklar said. “Possibly more.”
The second report, Technology Roadmap: Solar Thermal Electricity, stresses the inherent abilities of concentrating solar plants (CSP) to store thermal energy and provide necessary backup power on during peak times, on cloudy days, and overnight. Currently, the sum total of global solar thermal deployment is 4 GW – but the report projects with the installation of 1,000 GW of CSP capacity by 2050, 2.1 billion tonnes of CO2 emissions could be eliminated every year.
Additional deployment is expected to occur as a result of developing markets throughout Africa, Australia, China, India, the Middle East, and North and South America.
Frequently looked on as two competing technologies, the IEA sees PV and solar thermal energy ultimately achieving a complementary relationship that will serve to make up for the shortcomings of PV on overcast days and through non-daylight hours.
Friday, October 3, 2014
80' Wind Turbine Install
We are pleased to announce that we are in the process of installing a Bergey Wind Power Turbine that will stand 80' tall at a farm in McHenry County.
Below are some Interesting facts about Wind Energy from the Wind Energy Foundation www.windenergyfoundation.org
Below are some Interesting facts about Wind Energy from the Wind Energy Foundation www.windenergyfoundation.org
Interesting Wind Energy Facts
#1. The United States currently has 61,110 MW of installed wind project capacity, comprising 5.7% of total U.S. installed electric generating capacity.
#2. Wind mills have been in use since 2000 B.C. and were first developed in China and Persia.
#3. Wind power is currently the fastest-growing source of electricity production in the world.
#4. Iowa and South Dakota generated more than 25% of their energy from wind during 2013.
#5. A single wind turbine can power 500 homes.
#6. In 2012, the Shepherds Flat wind project became the largest online wind project in the United States (845 megawatts), breaking the record previously held by the Roscoe Wind Farm (781.5 megawatts).
#7. In 2013, the roughly 168 million megawatt-hours generated by wind energy avoided 95.6 million metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) — the equivalent of reducing power-sector CO2 emissions by 4.4% or removing 16.9 million cars from the roads.
#8. There’s enough on-shore wind in America to power the country 10 times over.
#9. In 2013, 12 states accounted for 80% of U.S. wind-generated electricity: Texas, Iowa, California, Oklahoma, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Oregon, Colorado, Washington, North Dakota, and Wyoming. Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration March Electric Power Monthly report.
#10. Most wind turbines (95%) are installed on private land.
#11. Modern wind turbines produce 15 times more electricity than the typical turbine did in 1990.
#12. At times, wind energy produces as much as 25% of the electricity on the Texas power grid.
#13. American wind power is a $10 billion a year industry.
#14. Unlike nearly every other form of energy, wind power uses virtually no water.
#15. By 2030, U.S. wind power will save nearly 30 trillion bottles of water.
#16. At times, wind power produces as much as 45% of the electricity in Spain.
#17. Wind energy became the number-one source of new U.S. electricity-generating capacity for the first time in 2012, providing some 42% of all new generating capacity. In fact, 2012 was a strong year for all renewables, as together they accounted for more than 55% of all new U.S. generating capacity.
#18. During 2013, California led the nation in new wind installations (with 269 megawatts), followed by Kansas, Michigan, Texas, and New York.
#19. 70% of all U.S. Congressional Districts are home to an operating wind project, a wind-related manufacturing facility, or both.
#20. As of May 2014, the United States is home to 46,000 operating wind turbines.
#21. Right now, 559 wind-related manufacturing facilities produce a product for the U.S. wind energy industry across 44 states.
#22. Both Nevada and Puerto Rico added their first utility-scale projects during 2012.
#23. In 2000, more than 60% of U.S. wind power capacity was installed in California, with 17 states hosting utility-scale wind turbines. Today, 39 states and Puerto Rico share 60 gigawatts of utility-scale wind project development.
#24. Wind is a credible source of new electricity generation in the United States. Wind power comprised 43% of all new U.S. electric capacity additions in 2012 and represented $25 billion in new investment. Wind power currently contributes more than 12% of total electricity generation in nine states (with three of these states above 20%), and provides more than 4% of total U.S. electricity supply. Source: 2012 Wind Technologies Market Report (PDF 3.4 MB)
#25. Wind energy prices have dropped since 2009 and now rival previous lows. Lower wind turbine prices and installed project costs, along with improved capacity factors, are enabling aggressive wind power pricing. After topping out at nearly $70/megawatt-hour in 2009, the average levelized long-term price from wind power sales agreements signed in 2011/2012 – many of which were for projects built in 2012 – fell to around $40/megawatt-hour nationwide.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
A friend of mine asked me:
Do You Need to Install
Solar Panels in Direct Sunlight?
Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels are widely regarded as an ideal method of
generating electricity. The materials in the panels, usually silicon,
create an electric current when met with natural daylight and this current is
then used as standard electricity within properties. The energy is
renewable, therefore, considered green. However, many question how
effective solar panels are in cloudy climates and wonder whether direct
sunlight is, indeed, needed to get the full benefits of the panels.
Daylight not
Solar panels use the energy from daylight,
as opposed to sunlight, to produce electricity so panels do not need direct
sunlight to work. It is photons in natural daylight which is converted by
solar panels cells to produce electricity. Heat has no effect on the production
of electricity.
This being said, it is true that
direct sunlight does provide the best conditions for the
panels. However, even in overcast conditions light will diffuse
through the clouds and reach the solar panels. Modern solar panels include
concentrators which use a system of lenses and mirrors to maximize any light
that does reach the cells. As a result it is estimated that solar panels will
be 40% as effective in heavy cloudy as they would in direct sunlight. The
clearer the skies are the more electricity will be produced.
So if you live in an area that is not the
sunniest climate in the world, such as the east coastline of Lake
Michigan , but there appears to be sufficient daylight to ensure
that solar panels will work effectively, a solar system may still produce
energy for you. It is worth noting that this is true for solar array systems
that are feed back into the power supplier. If your array is tied to battery
storage, having a long period of sunny weather will create electricity which
can be used later on.
Solar panels will not work at night and
the property will still be dependent on electricity from the energy provider.
Solar panels will work in winter, even in the Midwest ,
but of course less electricity will be created as the hours of daylight are
considerably shorter than they are in the summer months.
Despite common beliefs, solar panels do
not need direct sunlight to work and the weather conditions in the Midwest should not put off potential solar panel
buyers. It is energy from daylight, as opposed to sunlight, which powers
the panels which means even on overcast days electricity will be generated.
There are many questions potential solar panels owners should concern
themselves with but the question of the panels needing sustained sunlight to
work can be dismissed.
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
NIST test
house exceeds goal; ends year with energy to spare
Despite five months of below-average temperatures and twice the normal amount of snowfall, NIST's Net-Zero Energy Residential Test Facility (NZERTF) ended its one-year test run with 491 kilowatt hours of extra energy. Instead of paying almost $4,400 for electricity-the estimated average annual bill for a comparable modern home in A net-zero energy house produces at least as much energy as it consumes over the course of a year. A number of states are taking steps toward encouraging or even requiring construction of net-zero energy homes in the future. For example, Both a laboratory and a house, the two-story, four-bedroom, three-bath NZERTF would blend in nicely in a new suburban subdivision. But it was designed and built to be about 60 percent more energy efficient than houses built to meet the requirements of the 2012 version of the International Energy Conservation Code, which The 2,700 square-foot test house is built to U.S. Green Building Council LEED Platinum standards-the highest standard for sustainable structures. Its features include energy-efficient construction and appliances, as well as energy-generating technologies, such as solar water heating and a solar photovoltaic system. Despite 38 days when the test house's solar panels were covered with snow or ice, the NZERTF's sun-powered generation system produced 13,577 kilowatt hours of energy. That's 491 kilowatt hours more than used by the house and its occupants, a computer-simulated family of two working parents and two children, ages 8 and 14. First year energy use totaled 13,086 kilowatt hours, which was about 3,000 kilowatt hours more than projected usage in a year with typical weather. In a normal year, a comparable home built to meet In terms of energy consumed per unit of living space-a measure of energy-use intensity-the NIST test house is calculated to be almost 70 percent more efficient than the average house in From July through October, the facility registered monthly surpluses. In November, when space-heating demands increased and the declining angle of the sun reduced the energy output of its 32 solar panels, the NZERTF began running monthly deficits. Through March 31, when the house's net energy deficit plummeted to 1,800 kilowatt hours-roughly equivalent to the combined amount of energy a refrigerator and clothes dryer would use in a year-temperatures consistently averaged below normal. Starting in April, the energy tide began to turn as the house began to export electric power to the grid on most days. In terms of cost, the NZERTF's virtual residents saved $4,373 in electricity payments, or $364 a month. However, front-end costs for solar panels, added insulation, triple-paned windows, and other technologies and upgrades aimed at achieving net-zero energy performance are sizable. In all, estimates that incorporating all of the NZERTF's energy-related technologies and efficiency-enhancing construction improvements would add about $162,700 to the price of a similar house built to comply with Planned measurement-related research at the NZERTF will yield knowledge and tools to help trim this cost difference. Results also will be helpful in identifying affordable measures that will be most effective in reducing energy consumption. And research will further the development of tests and standards that are reliable benchmarks of energy efficiency and environmental performance overall, providing information useful to builders, home buyers, regulators and others. |
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
In theory, the idea could work: replace all of the nation’s
asphalt with solar panels, and we’d generate more than three times the electricity the US uses. Great idea and it would road and highway problems. Solar roads design
would also filter storm water, replace above-ground power cables, prevent icy
roads by melting snow, and light up to warn drivers if a deer wanders onto the
Unfortunately, the list of obstacles is long. The main problem
is cost. There are roughly 29,000 square miles of road surface to cover. We
need roughly 5.6 billion panels to cover that area. That’s a price tag of $56
The researchers have been
unable to secure any large piece of the more than $2 billion a year spent on solar
research and development around the world. Probably because there are too many
more-practical, more-promising investments to be made to seriously consider
this pipe dream.
This brings up a good point. Rooftop panels and solar arrays are
already established as a viable power source, but adoption is still low. It’s
hard to imagine a city ripping up asphalt and installing a largely unproven
technology when it could achieve the same level of power generation by planting
panels along the road.
Most of the technological challenges seem solvable. Those
include things like how to keep the roads clean, how to increase the efficiency
of the panels in the road, how to store the solar power, how to get electricity
from more remote roads to the grid, and whether the glass is durable enough.
Whether they’re solvable for a reasonable price tag is another question.
The first thing that one has to understand before
beginning to look at numbers is this: an apples to apples comparison between
asphalt or concrete roads and solar roads is not possible.
An asphalt/concrete
road is simply a hard surface to drive a vehicle on. A solar is a
modern modular system with a multitude of uses and features.
For an accurate
cost comparison between current systems and the solar road system, you'd have
to combine the costs of current roads (including snow removal, line repainting,
pothole repair, etc.), power plants (and the coal or nuclear material to run
them), and power and data delivery systems (power poles and relay stations) to
be comparable with the solar road system, which provides all three.
This will be interesting to watch.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Coal Production/Consumption
said Chinese coal production and consumption increased for the 13th year in a
row in 2013, the last full year for which data are available.
EIA said, consumes about 49 percent of the coal produced globally, besting the
No. 2 consumer, the United States, which consumes about 11 percent of the
world's total coal.
said Wednesday coal is fueling the Chinese economy. Gross domestic product in
2013 grew 7.7 percent, though that growth rate followed a decade of 10 percent
expansion that ended in 2011.
terms of production, EIA said China
is by far the world's largest producer accounting for 46 percent of the coal
produced globally.
February, the World Wildlife Fund said China could still thrive
economically while removing coal from its power mix.
Friday, April 18, 2014
Let the Sun Shine In: Redirecting
Sunlight to Urban Alleyways
dense, urban centers around the world, many people live and work in dim and
narrow streets surrounded by tall buildings that block sunlight. And as the
global population continues to rise and buildings are jammed closer together,
the darkness will only spread.
alleviate the problem, researchers have developed a corrugated, translucent
panel that redirects sunlight onto narrow streets and alleyways. The panel is
mounted on rooftops and hung over the edge at an angle, where it spreads
sunlight onto the street below.
expect the device to provide illumination to perform everyday tasks, and
improve the quality of light and health conditions in dark areas. These dimly
lit areas specifically include narrow streets, but the new panel could be used
as a greener, cheaper, and more pleasant alternative to fluorescent and other
artificial light.
other commercially available window-like devices can redirect light, they are
designed for shade and redirecting glare or for brightening a room-not a narrow
street. So the researchers decided to create their own design. They wanted a
simple way to redistribute natural light without the need for a tracking device
that follows the rising and setting sun.
they came up with is a panel made of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), the same
acrylic plastic of which Plexiglas is made. The bottom of the panel is smooth
while the top is covered in ridges that are based on a sine wave, the
mathematical function that describes everything from light to pendulums.
researchers used computer simulations to find the size and shape of the grooves
that distribute the most amount of sunlight in a wide range of sun positions
all year round, whether it's high or low in the sky. A sine-wave pattern is
also easy to manufacture.
simulations of sunlight shining on an alleyway, the researchers found that
their panels increased illumination by 200 percent and 400 percent in autumn
and winter, respectively, when sunlight is most limited. They also tested a
small prototype and found that it lit up the area as designed.
next step will be to build a full-scale model 10 times bigger to validate their
calculations and to test it in a real alleyway. The team then plans to market
and commercialize the panel.
that may be a small price to pay for the benefits of sunlight. The lack of sun
in urban areas doesn't just make life gloomy; it can be harmful to your health.
Research has shown that lack of natural lighting can cause severe physiological
problems, such as serious mood changes, excessive sleeping, loss of energy and
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Kyocera Solar reduces cost and increases
efficiency with new 1000-volt modules
![]() | |
Kyocera Solar Inc.
is now offering new 1000-volt solar photovoltaic (PV) modules designed to
significantly reduce labor and materials costs while simultaneously increasing
overall system efficiency.
The US electrical
code was only recently amended to allow 1000-volt solar modules, following a
similar development in Europe that enables wider use of high-efficiency
1000-volt inverters.
By specifying a
1000V system instead of the previous 600V standard, installers can reduce total
system costs by a substantial amount — up to 20%, according to Kyocera
engineers, depending on the individual project.
The cost reduction
is achieved in several ways:
- Because 1000V PV systems incorporate more modules per string, materials and labor costs are minimized by reducing the total number of strings and combiners the system requires.
- String cable used for 1000V modules is thinner and uses less copper, making it less expensive to purchase and install.
- 1000V inverters are likewise smaller and less expensive to install than their 600V counterparts.
A more long-term
advantage of the 1000V system is its ability to minimize resistive losses, also
known as “voltage drop” — which is typically about 0.75% lower in a 1000V system
than in a comparable system of 600V. This increase in efficiency results in
significant energy retention over the 20+ year lifespan of a system.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Wind farms can tame hurricanes:
Huge offshore wind farms can protect vulnerable coastal cities
against devastating cyclones like Katrina and Sandy by tempering winds and
ocean surges before they reach land. researchers said.
Had such installations existed at the time, Hurricane Katrina
which ravaged New Orleans in 2005, and Sandy , which smashed the coastlines of New
York and New Jersey
in 2012, would have been reduced to strong but not devastating winds.
The study, published in the journal Nature Climate Change, is the
first to demonstrate that wind farms, deployed on a grand scale, can buffer
violent hurricanes, the researchers said.
The team simulated the impact from farms of tens of thousands of
turbines, placed miles offshore and along the coast of cyclone-vulnerable
They found that turbine blades extracting energy from the wind on
a very large scale can have a marked effect on the internal dynamics of a
cyclone. When wind turbines are present,
they slow down the outer rotation winds of a hurricane.
This feeds back to decrease wave height, which reduces movement of
air toward the centre of the hurricane, increasing the central pressure --
which in turn slows the winds of the entire hurricane and dissipates it faster.
In the case of Hurricane Katrina, sustained peak wind speed would
have been reduced by as much as 98 miles per hour. Katrina's storm surge -- waves whipped up by the exceptional winds
-- would have abated by up to 79 percent, said the study.
In the case of Tropical Storm Sandy, the model projected a drop of
up to 87 mph in sustained peak wind speed and a 34-percent decrease in storm
surge. When Sandy ,
at an earlier stage, was rated as a powerful Category 3 hurricane, it packed gusts
of up to 115 mph.
According to the study, the turbines should not be damaged and
would continue to produce power during these events. By taming the leading edge
of the storm, they would also dissipate the buildup of the winds that followed.
As a result, the wind speed would not exceed the turbines'
designed cutout speed -- a threshold that prompts the device to go into
lockdown and feather its blades to prevent damage.
But, according to the study, these mega-farms would pay for
themselves by generating electricity in addition to providing storm protection.
A 20-mile installation off the New York coast would cost about $210 billion
to build.
By way of comparison, Tropical Storm Sandy inflicted about $80
billion in damage when it hit three
states in 2012. The disaster spawned plans to build higher sea walls to shield
New York from rising storm surges expected from climate change -- a project
that carries estimated costs of between $10-29 billion but produces no revenue.
Friday, February 7, 2014
A Very Wobbly Planet Found by Kepler
Kepler was designed to detect ecoplanets by noticing the dips in brightness caused when these worlds transit, or cross in front of, their parent stars. Normally these transits occur in a regular pattern, but Kepler-413b behaved strangely.
Imagine living on a planet with seasons so erratic you would
hardly know whether to wear Bermuda shorts or a heavy overcoat. That is the
situation on a weird, wobbly world found by Kepler space telescope.
The planet, designated Kepler-413b, precesses, or wobbles, wildly
on its spin axis, much like a child's top. The tilt of the planet's spin axis
can vary by as much as 30 degrees over 11 years, leading to rapid and erratic
changes in seasons. In contrast, Earth's rotational precession is 23.5 degrees
over 26,000 years. Researchers are amazed that this far-off planet is
precessing on a human timescale.
Kepler 413-b is located 2,300 light-years away in the
constellation Cygnus. It circles a close pair of orange and red dwarf stars
every 66 days. The planet's orbit around the binary stars appears to wobble,
too, because the plane of its orbit is tilted 2.5 degrees with respect to the
plane of the star pair's orbit. As seen from Earth, the wobbling orbit moves up
and down continuously.
Kepler finds planets by noticing the dimming of a star or stars
when a planet transits, or travels in front of them. Normally, planets transit
like clockwork. Astronomers using Kepler discovered the wobbling when they
found an unusual pattern of transiting for Kepler-413b.
Looking at the Kepler data over the course of 1,500 days,
scientists saw three transits in the first 180 days -- one transit every 66
days -- then had 800 days with no
transits at all. After that, they saw five more transits in a row. The next
transit visible from Earth's point of view is not predicted to occur until
2020. This is because the orbit moves up and down, a result of the wobbling, in
such a great degree that it sometimes does not transit the stars as viewed from
Astronomers are still trying to explain why this planet is out of alignment
with its stars. There could be other planetary bodies in the system that tilted
the orbit. Or, it could be that a third star nearby that is a visual companion
may actually be gravitationally bound to the system and exerting an influence.
Even with its changing seasons, Kepler-413b is too warm for life
as we know it. Because it orbits so close to the stars, its temperatures are
too high for liquid water to exist, making it inhabitable. It also is a super Neptune -- a giant gas planet with a mass about 65 times
that of Earth -- so there is no surface on which to stand.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Electronic valet parks the car, no tip
There is no one inside the Range Rover in a Las Vegas parking lot. But it still guides
its way to a parking space, after what looks like some hesitation.
The self-parking is directed by an app which controls the vehicle,
detects an available space and maneuvers into it.
The "automated parking valet" created by the French
equipment maker Valeo is among the technology innovations for the sector on
display at this week's Consumer Electronics Show.
While the idea of a fully autonomous car is a dream for some, this
is a step which promises to alleviate at least some of the tedium facing
The system allows drivers to leave their car at the entrance of a
parking lot and let it find a space to park itself. Drivers activate the
feature from their smartphone, and can also use it to summon the car to pick
them up.
The system does not require garages or parking lots to have
special equipment. It relies on the kinds of sensors some
cars already use, with some extra electronics.
The system may require a camera to recognize and avoid spaces
designated for the handicapped or unusual features in a garage.
The system was
designed to be as simple as possible, so that it would not be only for luxury
Parking maneuvers, experts say, are the most difficult for
Valeo said three million cars already have its semi-automatic
system, which can perform parallel parking but require the driver to remain at
the wheel.
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