Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Solar and Wind Energy? ESS can help!

Looking at installing your first renewable energy system?

Well, if the system is designed, installed, and maintained properly, like we do at Electrical Systems and Services, it should be your only renewable energy system! I guess it comes down to this: There are many reasons not to generate your own electricity from the wind & sun, including significant economic, utility, and zoning barriers. But at the end of the day, we face certain truths: Fossil fuels are a limited energy resource, our current electric generation methods are compromising the rights of our future generations to inherit a healthy planet, and the cost of grid electricity will continue to go up.

Renewable energy gives us the ability to change this balance of power. We can make and use clean energy in our neighborhoods, on our farms, and at our businesses.

We  know that when all the costs are factored in, renewable energies are more economical than burning coal or splitting atoms, and we can feel good about it.

If you’re considering any renewable energy, I say great!

Wind & Solar energy are both remarkably simple and amazingly complex.

So do your homework. We can help, contact us at Electrical Systems and Services. We have all the resources to inform you with all you need to know about renewable energy projects.

An educated  consumer is the renewable energy dealer’s best friend.  And when your
system is up and running, you can take the time to sit back and enjoy.

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