vs Polycrystalline Photovoltaic Cells
You may have heard the terms monocrystalline and polycrystalline used
to describe photovoltaic cells, but what does that mean and how does it affect
a cell’s performance?
Basic Anatomy of a PV cell
A lump of pure silicon
The main ingredient in most photovoltaic cells is silicon – the
same element that makes computer chips possible. Silicon is the second
most abundant element in the Earth’s crust, but unfortunately it is normally
found in the form of silica – you might know it as sand.
Various methods exist to extract the
pure silicon, but the most common is carbothermic reduction,
where the silica is heated to 1700°C in the presence of carbon. As the
silicon cools it forms crystals.
The speed at which the silicon cools is one of the critical
factors that determine the crystal size: the slower the silicon cools, the
larger the crystals. With care the silicon can be extracted as one large
crystal. As you might imagine, that’s more difficult, which means it’s
more expensive.
The difference
between monocrystalline vs polycrystalline solar cells is simply that one is
produced from a single crystal of silicon and the other is produced from a
piece of silicon consisting of many crystals.
Practical Differences
So what is the impact on cell performance?
Since polycrystalline cells contain many crystals, they have a
less perfect surface than monocrystalline cells. This means that they
absorb slightly less solar energy and produce slightly less electricity per
square foot. On the plus side, the process of creating the silicon for a
polycrystalline cell is much simpler, so these cells are generally cheaper per
square foot.
On balance, the cost of monocrystalline vs polycrystalline based
panels per Watt of power output works out about the same, but the
polycrystalline panels will be slightly larger than equivalent monocrystalline
panels. This is generally not a problem unless you have a very limited
area available for the installation, in which case you will want to maximise
the power output per square foot.
Monocrystalline and polycrystalline can also look
different. Monocrystalline cells will usually have a perfectly uniform
appearance, but polycrystalline cells will appear “grainy” – think of how a
granite worktop looks and you’ll get the idea. From a distance this will
not be noticeable, so if they are going on your roof this is unlikely to worry
So which should I choose?
At the end of the day, unless you are very space constrained,
your choice of panel will probably be dictated by factors other than whether
they are made up of mono or polycrystalline cells.
The price per Watt is an important factor, and that is largely
unaffected by the choice of monocrystalline versus polycrystalline cells.
In some circumstances, the area available for the installation may be a factor
that pushes you to go for monocrystalline cells.
But the most important thing is to make sure that you choose a
reputable installer and manufacturer. Your panels will most likely give
you many years of trouble free operation, but for your own peace of mind you
will probably want to choose a manufacturer that is likely to be around for
long enough to honor the terms of the guarantee – which may be up to 25 years!
Please contact Electrical Systems and Services, Inc should you have any questions or would like to schedule a site survey to see the potential your home or business could have with a solar system installed.